A c c u e i l

Advanced products for all applications

The solar panels are composed of several elements and solar cells can be electrically connected. Les panneaux solaires permettent d’obtenir, from sunlight, DC current which is then converted into alternating current by an inverter to the network.

solar panels

Due to the different dimensions Panel, monocrystalline and polycrystalline products from SolarWorld suitable for all applications, from the roof of your house to large installations. Nous fabriquons des panneaux pour des installations d’électricité solaire indépendantes du réseau (off-grid) and connected to the network.

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Gamme SUN MODULE Monocristallins

compact mono black laminate 150 fr compact mono black laminate 155 fr compact mono black laminate 160 fr compact mono black laminate 165 fr mono 255-270 fr mono black 245-260 fr Sunmodule Plus SW 265-275 mono black fr Sunmodule Plus SW 265-280 mono fr

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Photovoltaic panels