A c c u e i l

How it consumes ?

The first step in designing a solar system or a non-shedding system is how much power you need. En effet l’électricité va être stockée dans des batteries et il faut nous assurer que la capacité de stockage est suffisante pour alimenter l’installation pendant la période voulue. For this we need to calculate your energy consumption (and Watt-heure) For more, voir l’article power and energy into electricity.


Here is a simple method to calculate the energy consumption.

To illustrate this method, we will use the following case :

We want to create a solar system powering a house. This house 2 bedrooms and lounge. It is equipped with a refrigerator and a TV. It is estimated that the TV and the light show will be lit 2 hours per day, light rooms will she lit one hour per day. Otherwise, it is likely that the inhabitants also use electricity to recharge their phones.

To start, must list all electrical appliances to power : bulbs, refrigerator, TV, immersion heater, fans, air conditioning, computers…

  • In our example :
Devices Might Nombre Duration
Bulb 40W room
Ampoule 40W salon


For each device, then determining the average power required to power. To know the power of your devices, two possibilities :

  • Either you already have the equipment and you can find this value in the instructions or user manual,
  • Either you have not purchased the product and you should ask the seller (in that event, invest in a little greedy unit electricity, although it is more expensive you will save far more when buying your batteries).

Vous pouvez également vous reporter à ce power table of the most common appliances.

  • Complete your table with these powers :
Devices Might Nombre Duration
Bulb 40W room 40The
Ampoule 40W salon 40The
Refrigerator 150The
TV 80The
Shipper 5The

One then counts the number of each type of. If one device is present several times but used differently, The easiest and add a line in the table (as we did with the lights of the living room and bedroom with useful lives are different).

For each device, must assess how long you want your batteries can supply the. In our example, you want to power the system for 24, So we take the daily life of each device :

Devices Might Nombre Duration
Bulb 40W room 40The 2 16
Ampoule 40W salon 40The 1 26
Refrigerator 150The 1 246
TV 80The 1 26
Shipper 5The 2 16

We must now calculate the daily energy consumption of each device.

Why multiply all the numbers in each row :

Unless you think systematically unplug appliances that are not functioning or when you use a cutting device before, do not forget to take into account the consumption, low but steady, appliances in standby : TV in standby consumes about 5W, or on a day 5W x 24h = 120Wh. As an average light bulb for 3 hours !

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