A c c u e i l

DEGERtracker 5000NT / D60H

DEGERtracker to open land / solar tracking systems


Many areas such as old landfills and contaminated sites are ideally suited for the creation of solar parks.

The choice of lengths mast also offers options perfect dual-use, as for parking, plant cultivation or grazing animals have.

With its vast and TOPtracker ® ​​product line DEGERtracker, DEGER offers the best conditions for success.

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DEGERtracker 5000NT / D60H

Datasheet Presentation DEGER ENERGY Certification gain/productivité Technical DEGER ENERGY

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Solar tracking system for 5000NT DEGERtracker

D60H of solar tracking system DEGERtracker (Heavy snow drifts)

The two-axis systems offer maximum efficiency for open land and installation are different pole heights.Precisely at the time when most of the radiation may be absorbed – this is where DEGERtraker both axes are aligned with the photovoltaic modules and can therefore reach a maximum of 45 percent yield increase.These products have been designed to withstand high wind loads on buildings and around. Reinforced structure is designed for wind loads up 170 km / h or even 300 km / h and a zone of reduced modulus.

Systèmes tracking