A c c u e i l

TOPtracker ® ​​40NT

TOPtracker ® ​​for the installation of open land


Many areas such as old landfills and contaminated sites are ideally suited for the creation of solar parks.

The choice of lengths mast also offers options perfect dual-use, as for parking, plant cultivation or grazing animals have.

With its vast and TOPtracker ® ​​product line DEGERtracker, DEGER offers the best conditions for success.

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TOP tracker 40NT

Datasheet Presentation DEGER ENERGY Certification gain/productivité Technical DEGER ENERGY

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TOPtracker Solar Tracking System ® 40NT 30 ° Version (30 ° / 15 ° / 0 ° Angle)


The record holder efficiency in single-axis systems.the single-axis tracking is usually sufficient, depending on location and application for additional performance 31 percent, an excellent result for one of the best single-axis solar trackers in the world.

Systèmes tracking