A c c u e i l


Single-axis solar Suiveures for photovoltaic modules

The Lorentz active trackers ETATRACK guarantee your PV modules to 40 % higher yield. The ETATRACK systems track the sun throughout the day, this keeps the power output and maximize peak power.LORENTZ designs, manufactures and markets solar tracking systems for 1998 and has installed thousands of followers around the world.

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  • Mono-axial design for a highly cost-effective, reliability and performance
  • Simple design for quick and easy installation
  • High reliability and ease of maintenance, cycle cost lower life
  • Long life corresponding to that of PV modules for forward financial planning
  • Rapid return on investment
  • Profitability analysis very attractive compared to fixed PV installations and rotating on two axes
Specifications Specifications ©

  • Follower single axial, swivel angle east-west: 90°
  • Sturdy steel frame galvanized
  • For floor installation on concrete foundations
  • Fastening systems of the modules of stainless steel
  • DC linear actuator does not require maintenance
  • Sensorless control
  • Autonomy and very low power consumption
  • Options command to synchronize multiple units
  • Designed for high wind speeds according to German and European standards

Systèmes tracking