A c c u e i l

Sizing, argumentation,

installation, maintenance

Attaches great importance to the training of photovoltaic solution integrators, the competence integrators mounted on the African continent , necessarily through training, to make independent business solar solution in Africa.

Dimension ,sell and install a properly-alone solution can not be improvised.

The stakes are high in terms of safety and productivity.

  • Public :

Technician, electrician, integrator photovoltaic solution

  • Pre requis :

Professional competence in electricity
Basics of photovoltaic

  • Method :

Presentations from the repository training CRERs
Demonstration of equipment and components of a photovoltaic system
Exercises and tutorials

  • Duration :

3 training days or 21 h

  • Number of trainees:

Of 6 with 10 Trainees


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  • 50 % of energy consumption in France depend on our daily actions. CO2 and polluting gas emissions are directly linked to our energy consumption.
  • Everyone has a role to play. We have the means to reduce our bills while limiting emissions of greenhouse gases, in controlling energy consumption and increasing the use of renewable energy.


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