A c c u e i l

Sunmodule – for solar installations

Modern and fully automated in Freiberg, Germany, SolarWorld also manufactures photovoltaic modules specially designed for the production of electricity for isolated sites. These stand-alone modules (« off-grid », off-grid) meet the same durability, quality and performance set by SolarWorld modules for Sunmodule Plus series. Closely with manufacturers of batteries and charge controllers, SolarWorld also offers an additional service for the design of autonomous systems.

pres module
[spoiler title=”See the benefits of polycrystalline products” style=”wpui-sevin” closebtn=”Réduire la fenêtre”]avantages polycristallins[/spoiler]

Gamme SUN MODULE Polycristallins

compact poly 155-165 fr poly 240-255 fr poly vario-196 fr R5A poly 85 fr R6A poly 130-140 fr R6A poly 135 fr RMA poly 50 fr RMA poly 55 fr RNA poly 80 fr

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Photovoltaic panels