A c c u e i l

Systems solar centrifugal pumps PSk

Solar submersible pumps


PSk LORENTZ pumps are high quality products designed to provide the largest volume of water through a wide range of silos. The PSk pumps are generally used in irrigation projects and bodies of water applications, they generally meet the more stringent requirements, economically and without the use of fossil fuels or connect to the network.

Ces pompes à haut rendement peuvent atteindre un débit jusqu’à 135 m3/heure et pomper jusqu’à 180 m en profondeur. Each system consists of a pump, a pump motor and a controller. This modular design keeps all electronic components above ground level, for easy maintenance and low operating cost.

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  • © e ƒƒLongue duration of life and efficiency to © © © e proven
  • Designed for use in remote and difficult conditions
  • Intelligent modular design for maintenance and repairs © actual simple and low cost "expensive
  • Filled motors € ™ s water for high reliability and to © © © es avoid the input € ™ s oil
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Philosophy inexpensive spare parts
  • Return on investment very attractive compared to diesel pumps, reducing the cost of water production and carbon footprint
  • Wide range of pumps to precisely meet every application and maximize efficiency

Specifications Specifications ©

  • Made in Germany
  • Material high quality materials © © non-corrosive
  • End range of pumps tailored specifically for each application
  • Equipment corrosion resistant
  • Photovoltaic Direct connection options with AC
  • MPPT technology to optimize the energy consumption of PV panels
  • Three-phase AC motor water lubricated
  • Recorder built into the display controller with the main operating data

Solar Pumps