A c c u e i l

Systems with solar pumps surface PSK-CS

Solar surface pumps


Surface pumps PSk-CS LORENTZ are multistage vertical pumps designed to be able to provide large volumes of water from a solar energy source. PSk surface pumps are commonly used for irrigation projects and for drinking water large-scale applications as they respond reliably to the most demanding requirements, from an economic point of view, without generating pollution and without connection to the network or diesel generator.Ces pompes hautement efficaces peuvent fournir un débit allant jusqu'à300 m3/heure et pomper jusqu'à une hauteur de 90 m. Each system consists of a pump, a pump motor and a controller. All components have been carefully designed to be used with direct solar connections. The modular design allows easy maintenance and low operating cost. [spoiler title=”Documentation PDF” open=”false” closebtn=”Close”]

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  • Return on investment very attractive compared to diesel pumps, reducing the cost of water production and carbon footprint
  • Long life and proven effectiveness
  • Designed for use in remote and difficult conditions
  • Intelligent modular design for maintenance and repairs © actual simple and low cost "expensive
  • Philosophy inexpensive spare parts
  • Wide range of pumps to precisely meet every application and maximize efficiency

Specifications Specifications ©

  • Made in Germany
  • Material high quality materials © © non-corrosive
  • Photovoltaic Direct connection options with AC
  • MPPT technology to optimize the energy consumption of PV panels
  • Phase high efficiency air-cooled engine
  • Recorder built into the display controller with the main operating data

Solar Pumps