Aunilec is a manufacturer of central emergency lighting sources and chose diversification, from the beginning in 1999 with its full range of products related to backup power.
- Aunilec technology offers three different inverters
[spoiler title=”Technologie OFF line” open=”false” closebtn=”Close”]UPS OFF-LINE : description of the system (presence sector)
UPS OFF-LINE : description of the system (Fct sur batterie)
[spoiler title=”Technologie Line Interactive” open=”false” closebtn=”Close”]UPS LINE INTERACTIVE : description of the system (presence sector)
UPS LINE INTERACTIVE : description of the system (Fct sur batterie)
[spoiler title=”Technology On Line” open=”false” closebtn=”Close”]UPS ON-LINE : description of the system (presence sector)
UPS ON-LINE : description of the system (Fct sur batterie)
Aunilec is the control and confidence
a DC power and quality alternative