A c c u e i l

PT Pro panel 3600

  • Ideal for : Smartphones / Cameras / Satellite Phones / Tablets / Netbooks

  • Compatible for : GPS / Ipod – Mp3 / Mobile


Solar chargers PT Pro 3600 based on the latest generation "made in USA".

A flexible solar, light, ultra-thin high-yield offers the best performance in the world PV.

Support any kind of batteries and portable electronic devices

No energya distant rigid, unbreakable, Waterproof and UV resistant

Support all electronic devices, GSM, MP3, either through direct load camera (adaptateur USB 5V 12V cigare egg Allum) using either the range of accessories for charging batteries Powertec, accumulator, vidéo camera, Laptops…

Works under various climatic conditions, even in low light

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[/spoiler]PT PRO 1800

  • Might : 54The
  • Dimensions :
    creased : 41 x 28 x 4 cm / open : 150 x 78 x 1 cm
  • Weight : 2,3kg
  • Voltage nominal Sortie : 15,0In
  • Output Current : 3600 mA
  • Supplied with Cable allume Ciga femelle and adaptateur micro USB - 1A

Warranty 3 years

Portable Solar