A c c u e i l

SMA – Multicluster Box pour Sunny Island

Easy assembly of grid systems and hybrid systems
  • The Multicluster Box for Sunny Island allow simple installation of systems and hybrid isolated site 20 à kW 300 kW. Two to twelve clusters phase, each consisting of three Sunny Island inverters, can indeed be connected in parallel as a master distributor for connecting AC generators and supply loads up 300 kW. To simplify installation, all Multicluster Boxes are completely factory wired and equipped with a main connector for generators, load distribution and photovoltaic and wind. All communication cables necessary for installation are also provided as standard.
[spoiler title=”Documentation PDF” open=”false” closebtn=”Close”]

Multicluster Box pour Sunny Island

Datasheet Instruction d’installationMulticluster Box 6.3/12.3 Installation – Overview of the connection region – Multicluster-Box 36 Installation Multicluster-Box 36
Instruction d’installation Multicluster-Box 36 Solutions photovoltaïques en site isolé pour une alimentation en énergie indépendante du réseau Déclarations de conformité CE SMA factory warranty – SUNNY ISLAND

[/spoiler]Multicluster-Box pour Sunny Island 5048

  • Three powers 20 à kW 300 kW
  • Sizes of generators, photovoltaic systems and consumer


  • Integrated AC distribution for Sunny Island, generator, Photovoltaic
  • Protection integrated shedding


  • Automatic bypass for the generator
  • Anti-îlotage actif
  • Current monitoring return


  • High protection class IP65
  • Five years SMA warranty

Solar inverters