A c c u e i l

Solar tracking systems for solar parks

Systems for followers LORENTZ solar parks are based on the system of active followers ETATRACK


Systems followers increase ROI. Thanks to their strong mechanical structure and their concepts for reliable control systems of all sizes, systems for solar parks followers LORENTZ ensure the best possible energy efficiency throughout the year.

Systems for followers LORENTZ solar parks are based on the system of active followers ETATRACK, successfully used worldwide for more than 10 years. LORENTZ offers optimized control concepts for solar parks of all sizes.

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Specifications Specifications ©

  • Total module surface up to c. 26,5 m2
  • Control concepts optimized for different sizes of solar parks
  • No light sensor failure subject to any unnecessary movement monitoring
  • Low power consumption
  • European standards
  • High reliability and life expectancy
  • Excellent serviceability
  • Cost monitoring system

Systèmes tracking