Planet Solar


These general conditions of sale apply automatically to any sale of the following products :

  • Photovoltaic equipment sales( Panels , Battery, Inverter, Cable, Regulator, and any accessories link to this activity.

The sale is considered concluded at the date of acceptance of the order by Solar Planet..

Prior to this date, these terms and conditions have been made available to the buyer, as referred to in Article L. 441-6 of the Commercial Code.

PLANETE SOLAR, bends to international trade rules, including Incoterms, to define for each order, and each country

Any order implies acceptance without reservation to these general conditions of sale prevail over all other conditions, except those which have been expressly accepted by SOLAR PLANET.


any order, to be taken into account, must be passed in writing and sent by email to the company SOLAR PLANET, to this email address :

The acceptance of the order by PLANET SOLAR result of the establishment and sending the invoice. Any order can be canceled or modified by the buyer in content writing to the shipping of goods.

As of this date, the order is considered firm and final.

However, In case of error, omissions or incomplete information, in the recipient's contact information label SOLAR PLANET responsibility would be held responsible for failure to make delivery on time.

Any arrangement or qualification of the buyer not comply with these terms of sale is required for SOLAR PLANET if he accepted it in writing.

Until full payment is not settled, a retention of title clause is applicable for SOLAR PLANET reserves that in this case the right to return equipment.

A pro forma invoice is valid for 10 days, any unpaid order in 10 days, void this invoice, and products will be delivered in the distribution chain.

All orders are payable in Euros before delivery.


Specific pricing will be proposed by our sales department for each order and for each country and will be part of the pro-forma invoice.

Except particular conditions specific to the sale, the delivery will be in the main country of the purchaser within the [Delivery according to the mode of transport chosen by the buyer, and in freight are] days from the receipt by PLANET SOLAR an order in due form and payment.

The products are delivered to the delivery address that the purchaser will be specified during the order process.

The risks of goods ordered are borne by the buyer as of the said delivery.

The time specified is also of right suspended by any event beyond the control SOLAR PLANET and resulting in late delivery.

In any event, delivery in time can only intervene if the buyer has met all its obligations towards SOLAR PLANET.

Les frais et les risques liés à l’opération de livraison des produits sont à la charge exclusive de l’acheteur.

A compter de la livraison, les risques des produits sont transférés à l’acheteur.

Toute réclamation concernant le nombre et l’état des colis doit être notifiée au transporteur au moment de la livraison (voir bordereau de transport). La réclamation doit être adressée par courrier en Accusé de Réception dans les 48 h suivant la réception du colis.

Toute autre demande, échange ou remboursement doit s’effectuer par voie postale à l’adresse suivante :

86700 Payré


The buyer will take receipt of the products ordered directly with his forwarding agent by paying the customs fees which are his responsibility within the period of [Withdrawal period] days from receipt of the notice of availability sent by PLANETE SOLAR or its forwarding agent, upon delivery of the products.

After this time, PLANETE SOLAR may ipso jure resolve the sale, if it suits him, without prior notice, pursuant to the provisions of article 1657 you Code civil.

The buyer will assume the costs and risks of transporting the products.

The buyer must check on receipt the conformity of the products delivered with the products ordered and the absence of apparent defects..

If no complaint or reservation is made in this respect by the Buyer on the day of receipt of the products, said products can no longer be returned or exchanged, pursuant to the provisions of article 1642 you Code civil.

The costs incurred by the recovery and delivery of new products are the sole responsibility of PLANETE SOLAR.

In. – PRIX

1 – Prix – Except particular conditions specific to the sale, the prices of the products sold are those appearing on each pro-forma invoice price on the day of the order.

These prices are, to this date, firm and final.

They are expressed in legal tender and stipulated excluding taxes and including tax for export, frais de livraison inclus, emballage compris

2 – Modalités de paiementSauf autres modalités prévues expressément par les conditions particulières, le prix de vente est payable, au comptant à réception de la facture pro-forma.

Par virement bancaire sur le compte de PLANETE SOLAR, par mandat.

La solution la plus habituelle, rapide et sécurisante est le virement bancaire ou virement Swift. C’est un moyen de paiement peu coûteux.

Un IBAN est fourni sur le site en téléchargement.

En aucun cas, les paiements qui sont dus à PLANETE SOLAR ne peuvent être suspendus ni faire l’objet d’une quelconque réduction ou compensation sans accord écrit de la part DE PLANETE SOLAR..

A défaut de paiement à l’échéance, penalties equal to three times the legal interest rate in force on the date of the order will be applied from the first day of delay.

However, these penalties will only be payable upon receipt of a formal notice sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt..

Any payment made to PLANETE SOLAR is deducted from the sums due, whatever the cause., starting with those whose liability is the oldest.

In the absence of any payment of the price on its due date, PLANETE SOLAR may ipso jure resolve the sale, fifteen days after a formal notice remained without effect, sans préjudice de tous dommages-intérêts susceptibles d’être demandés par PLANETE SOLAR..

3 – Facturation – PLANETE SOLAR établira, dès réception de la commande, une facture pro-forma en double exemplaire, dont l’un des exemplaires sera délivré le jour même à l’Acheteur. La facture mentionnera les indications visées à l’article L. 441-3 of the Commercial Code.


Les produits sont vendus sous réserve de propriété.

PLANETE SOLAR conserve la propriété des produits jusqu’au paiement complet.

En cas de défaut de paiement à son échéance PLANETE SOLAR pourra revendiquer les produits et résoudre la vente, comme précisé ci-dessus.

Les chèques et lettres de change ne sont considérés comme des paiements qu’à compter de leur encaissement effectif. Jusqu’à cette date, la clause réserve de propriété conserve son plein droit. Ces dispositions ne font pas obstacle au transfert, dès livraison, des risques des produits vendus.


Les produits vendus sont couverts par la garantie légale des vices cachés, au sens de l’article 1641 you Code civil.

PLANETE SOLAR offre une garantie sur le matériel Eco recyclé :

  • Pour les carte et pabx 1 an / Pour les postes 6 mois
  • Pour le matériel neuf / garantie constructeur


Le présent contrat est soumis à la loi française. La langue du présent contrat est la langue française.

Tous différents relatifs à l’interprétation et à l’exécution de ventes de produits seront de la compétence exclusive du tribunal de commerce de Poitiers 86000 France


Le site PLANETE SOLAR et tous ses éléments s’y trouvant (marques, dessins, logos, modèles, graphiques…) ainsi que leur compilation et mises en forme sont la propriété de la société PLANETE SOLAR. L’utilisateur s’interdit en conséquence de diffuser ou de reproduire le site, en tout ou partie, ou sous quelques formes que ce soit.

The PLANET SOLAR company trademark owner SOLAR PLANET filed with INPI and reserves the right to seek damages and other forms of redress for infringement, in any form whatsoever, its intellectual and industrial property rights.


According to Law No. 78/17 of 6 January 1978 relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, the customer has the right to access, change, rectify and delete data concerning the. To exercise this right, the client may send a letter to the customer service of society SOLAR PLANET : Preuillet 86700 Payré / France.
